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Universal 74x104 Hammermill Shredder
Universal 74x104 Hammermill Shredder 
Priced to move! Make an offer!
Universal 74x104 Hammermill Shredder
- Feed chute
- Approximately 102" wide by 28' long
- Liners look to be in fair to good shape
- Walls are approximately 48" tall
- Feed roll cutouts made out of thick diamond plate
- Overall dims: 32' long by 10' wide by 5'6" tall
- Shredder base
- Some new/newer banana liners & other misc. liners in bins inside building on property
- One small section in each wall is missing; was cut out and will need repair
- Some bolts were cut out with a torch instead of being cut off and removed; will need repair
- Box was cut in half for ease of shipping; has since been realigned and welded back together - steel tube added for support during the repair process
- Overall dims: 18'6" long by 14'4" wide by 6'4" tall
- Front wall/anvil section
- Some evidence of stress cracks; will need repair prior to use
- Corner section repaired at some point
- Overall dims: 114" wide by 48" long by 37" tall
- Shredder mid-section
- Majority of liners still in place and one section of grates still in
- Grates appear to be approximately 5" by 6" openings
- Reject door hinge sections on each side appear to have been cut out by torch
- Steel plate bolted/welded on top to help lift/load - welds breaking in some spots
- Side wall liners are 6" thick
- Grates and front wall liners held in place with pins bolted through each side wall
- Appears to be in good shape overall
- Overall dims: 13'6" long by 14'4" wide by 6'6" tall
- Majority of liners still in place and one section of grates still in
- Shredder top section/bonnet
- Half-dome shape
- Unable to provide interior photos or provide liner information due to how it is sitting on the ground
- Overall dims: 132" wide by 113" long by 74" tall
- Used spider rotor assembly with pins and bearings
- Heavy wear on spider arms and caps; buildup work needed
- Newell bearing set attached
- Drive shaft coupler
- Amsco caps on the end discs
- No hammers included
- Used pins show wear
- Overall dims: 186" wide by 66" diameter by 66" tall
- Hydraulic power units for the shredder box opening cylinders, pin puller
- Pin puller
- Misc. wear parts (liners, spider rotor caps, etc.)
- Foundation drawings and blueprints
- Plant layout drawings
- Assembly drawings for inside shredder
Selling As Is Where Is
*Photos updated 11/9/23
Additional photos available upon request. Please call Dade Auctions at (419)930-9000.