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104 Inch Hammermill Shredder Dual/Double Feed Roll
104 Inch Hammermill Shredder Dual/Double Feed Roll 
Install on your shredder or buy as a backup!
104 Inch Hammermill Shredder Dual/Double Feed Roll
Originally installed on a 74x104 Universal shredder
Could fit multiple 104 inch shredders with a little modification
- Electric motors drive gear boxes on each side that connect to the feed rolls via sprocket and chain
- Sprockets look like they're in good shape - no broken or missing teeth
- Steel tube was welded in for support during shipping
- Feed rolls are 96" wide; tips are in fair to good shape - no broken or missing seen
- Spare used feed roll included
- Needs points replaced or built-up
- Bearings have been exposed to the elements
- What sprockets and chains we have will be included
- DFR dims: 17' long by 14' wide by 11'6" tall
- Includes DFR mounting platform with pivot point
- Platform dims: 20' long by 13' wide by 9' tall
Selling as-is where-is